A Song of Ice and Fire, (but mostly fire)

The United States and Russia have emptied their nuclear arsenals, destroying Yemen and most of the world. All committees have been moved to their nuclear bunkers, and are okay for the time being.

Saudi Arabia had destroyed about half of the Putin’s white walker army using dragon glass technology, and their reminder retreated to Russia, where they were promptly destroyed by US nuclear forces. Saudi Arabia also conducted the purchase of all Hadi territory, which is now more or less useless because the land is now a nuclear wasteland.


Thanks for a great simulation everyone! I hope you had as much fun as we did!


– Head CD and the entire crisis team

Technical Difficulties?

As the Hadi government tried to send men and heavy weaponry into the past through the Stargate to aid King Alfred’s Court, it appears something has gone horribly wrong!

The Stargate may have been beyond capacity, as the Hadi effort has resulted in an explosion the size of Aden, killing most of the citizens of Aden and the nearby suburbs, with injuries to many more.

Mysteriously, the men and artillery sent through the portal are nowhere to be found…

Technical Difficulties…

Crisis! As the Hadi government tried to send men and heavy weaponry into the past through the Stargate to aid King Alfred’s Court, it appears something has gone horribly wrong!

The Stargate may have been beyond capacity, as the Hadi effort has resulted in an explosion the size of Aden, killing most of the citizens of Aden and the nearby suburbs, with injuries to many more.

Mysteriously, the men and artillery sent through the portal are nowhere to be found…

The Future is here!

A STARGATE has been found just outside of Aden! Awakened by a US soldier, Hadi forces claim control! It appears to be a one-way stargate, but objects sent through have been found among the objects in King Alfred’s Court.

Historic documents show that King Alfred’s Court was in favor of Yemeni weaponry and infantry being used in their crusades. As one document said, “We doth desire the future men’s weaponry for our holy wars.”

Facebook Post

Tariq Alhomayed, Saudi Journalist posts:

The Prisoners Dilemma

The UAE has been taken over by Iran backed forces. Does Russia not see this, as a violation of national sovereignty? I suppose that doesn’t matter now. What matters now is the people. The people of the UAE are not safe. Even now as I write this, two former diplomats site before me. Two former prisoners sit before me. What chills me is the the two groups are one and the same. We rescued them from their captors, both worthy diplomats in their own right. The insurgents didn’t see it this way. Iran didn’t see it this way. If these two noble mene, competent and capable. we’ve viewed as the enemy, what will will happen to the people? What will happen when the leader of the insurgents decides the people aren’t good enough either? I pray, we do not have to find out. I pray we can liberate the people of the UAE before we find out.


Winter is Coming

In a turn of events, the president of Russia, Vladimir Putin, has revealed his true self as the Night King. He possesses weapons of mass destruction, which they are calling Viserion. It has been leaked that he plans to invade mainland Saudi Arabia with his army of over 100,000 white walkers.


Chaos in Yemen!

As peace seemed on the horizon, violence has suddenly broken out again! The Yemeni border, formerly a seemingly impenetrable line of highly trained soldiers, has suddenly become porous.

Al-Qaeda operatives have been pouring across the borders, and into Hadi territory. While initially just attacking Houthis, they have turned to attacking all sides of the conflict. How will the Hadis and Houthis work together to turn the tide?